L, G, B, T, or Q…
You do you.
We love Marsha P. Johnson so much that we created a shirt inspired by her. Marsha P. Johnson was a transwoman who became an important face of the LGBTQ+ community. Along with Slyvia Rivera, she founded the Street Transvestite (now Transgender) Action Revolutionaries (STAR) to help others facing the struggles of an unaccepting society.
Marsha was born a male named Malcolm Michaels and changed her name to Marsha P. Johnson after moving to Greenwich Village in the 1960s. When people asked her what her middle name was, she replied, “Pay it no mind.” This served as a rhetorical response to the question many had on their minds as to whether she was a male or female. Pay it no mind, pay it no mind, pay it no mind.
In other words, people may have opinions about who you are, or how you identify, but the only opinion that really matters is your own.
We dream of a future of openness, of changing opinions, of acceptance. We dream of a future in which all of us can be who we are, without judgment or criticism. We dream of a future in which all of us can be truly free. As Marsha said, “No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us.”

All month long, we’ll be donating a portion of our proceeds to the Human Rights Campaign. We invite you to visit our shop blog, where we always post our receipts.